Land Acknowledgement New York, New York and Tri-State Area

Land Acknowledgement New York, New York & Tri-State Area

Land Acknowledgement New York, New York & Tri-State Area

Scion Staffing recognizes that our offices, located in New York City and the Tri-State area resides on the traditional village sites of the Lunape, Eastern Pequot, Golden Hill Paugussett, Schaghticoke and many other tribes who have made their homes in the land now known as New York and Connecticut.

Indigenous people of these tribes have tended the land, created tribal communities, and called this area their home for over the past 15,000 years, possibly as long as 30,000 years. The Tri-State area is home to at least six federally recognized indigenous tribes and the New York area is home to a rich Native historical culture that is not as well-noticed as it should be.

As a company that thrives on, and is committed to a foundation of diversity, equity, and inclusion, it is imperative that we recognize the greater Tri-State metro area is home to a community of diverse Native peoples who continue to live and work here. We respectfully acknowledge and honor all Indigenous communities—past, present, future—and are thankful for their presence to make our city in New York and Connecticut a beautifully vibrant place.

Additional resources:

Native Americans in Connecticut:

New York History – Native Americans:

Indigenous New York:

Native New York: